Coronavirus: when do we reach the bottom of the dip?

@Zerte2 You are right, this is risky. And I promised myself not to stock pick anymore. And since I can’t stop myself from doing that, I’m going to pick and bet on long term growth instead of short term rebouds :-).

Nobody cares (or should care) about a lost quarter or two. When you buy shares in a company, you care about profits it is likely to generate in the upcoming 10 years or so. This is the mechanism of stock price appreciation. If somebody wants to sell that company to you at -30% discount because of a lost quarter (which totally wont matter in a longer timescale) then you should be the buyer, not the seller.

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Yes, it is different. You should definately watch Trumps conference from yesterday. Capitalism at its best.

Not to miss are the Twitts

free tests, paid sick leave. FED will print the cash, no worries.


Is there a small caps ETF with shares of companies having good credit ratings?

Free student debt!
Money rain!
(BTW, it’s not different, it is more of the same!)

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I don’t fool myself that “helping” companies through money printing will be beneficial in the long term. I think a big part of the reason why the markets react so strong is that the price setting mechanism has been effed up by money printing.

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Is anyone else gambling a bit (only with “fun money”) with options right now? I made some money with puts in the last two weeks, then some money yesterday with calls and bought puts 1min before closing yesterday evening. Not as a long term investing strategy, more as a quarantine activity.

I know that this is absolutely not the Bogleheads way, but I went all cash anyway end of January because what happened in China frightened me and don’t have regrets so far (I’m hoping to make some money during the recovery)


Why not just/also get you some JETS then (for US)? Instead of betting for individuals.

Almost the same title than our thread here. But we started already on 25 February, on Bogleheads they started the topic only on 28 February and got “only” 412 posts so far. :blush:


A speculation, like any other :slight_smile:

One could rewrite days 3 to 100 (or more) with an accumulated whipsaw drop of another 20%, before the climb, and still be as viable as this one.

N.B. I do wish the market behavior was as interpretable as analyzing the potential economic consequences in the coming months, but sadly it is not.


I was coming here to reply exactly what @San_Francisco said. Good points!

Guys, I want to thank you all. This thread has been a nice place where to share sentiments, mostly pain so far, and keep calm :slight_smile:


They started the whole discussion much sooner than that:

There are a couple of people there who sold everything in February close to the top.


I did gamble with puts in January-February on Nasdaq and Tesla when it went parabolic (the RobinHood trader rush) but now I’ve stopped, the market is too unpredictable, plus Swiss market makers seem to withdraw their usual bid/ask amounts.

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Re. airlines, Europe is playing as well:
Friends just received a cancellation from Paris - Basel.

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100k infected in Ohio, seriously? 3 millions in USA? You think its at all possible? Even if, then for most people it goes without symptoms, otherwise we would know.

Also, the guys who claim they sold at the peak. They can say what they want, how can you verify?


Unfortunately, I think few airlines will go bankrupt like norvegian

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I paid 2x 1000 CHF for a ticket with SWISS to USA, going shortly after the 30-day ban. You think there is any chance I could fly? If not let’s hope SWISS doesn’t go bankrupt before they can give me my money back :wink:

If you speculate or daytrade you need to see it as a competitive game. There are people who want to buy your stocks cheaper and they’ll do whatever it takes. Do you have the edge?

Conviction that things get worse before they get better is not an edge, it’s an obstacle. Everybody knows that. Be careful before getting involved in this game.

They are closing everything in Tessin right now, damn. My GF is selfemployed since summer 2019, this might destroy her if they do this here in Basel.