Coronavirus: when do we reach the bottom of the dip?

Are you saying that it’s not fair to have health care available to everyone? Or not fair that you have to pay for it through taxes since you feel you are in “less risk” than the average person? Just curious, since the later is through a pretty selective filter…what about people who play extreme sports? Where does your “fair” meter go? Health care isn’t just for chronic issues, a lot of other lifestyle choices would play a role. Both systems have their +/- but to say its “fair” or not is pretty subjective.

Actually “you/we” don’t. But I understand why this can be frustrating. If its binary, its simply easier to enforce. Doesn’t mean its fair. Doesn’t mean its perfect. If someone has “me-sydrome” and constantly reverts to society’s impact on the individual, I keep smiling. If you don’t like being penalised, either don’t do whats being penalised or complain.
