Car rental mustachian style

Thank you for the tip.
There is 10 euros difference between the airport and center of Geneva so not a huge gap.

Do you usually subscribe to the full protection (CDW) of

Never ever the insurance of the car dealer. Also the one from the broker, though better than the dealer, is not cheap.

I did use worldwideisnurance for a few years and also tested them on a claim but lately I don’t rent cars that often anymore and their premium increased a lot, so I just take the risk.

One can have a rental car insurance for around 100 per year. Or as part of a travel insurance.

We are on a mustachian forum, the classic Selbstbehalt is about 3000 CHF, the max I saw was 5000 CHF. That is a risk we should all be able to take without blinking (except if you want to race the car through the city ever day… but then you would probably not be on this forum).

I know that. But we once had a rental agency that demanded the new value of the car in case of a loss/theft with was not covered by the CDW. And this was in Sicily. These 122 CHF just give me peace of mind.

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