Bubble in passive investment funds

Ok, in worst case, one needs to work a bit longer. If you’re scared of that possibility, then you should lower your market exposure - but in that case, surprise, surprise, you will also have to work longer due to lower expected returns in case there’s no crisis in the near future. I don’t think there’s a sure way around this - most likely you just need to be flexible and stay invested.

Big ERN has an awesome blog, but as a former FED analyst he’s too focused on economy fundamentals - for example, in 2008 all major economic indicators were positive and most economists, including FED economists, were positive about the state of economy. Crash was unexpected. It usually is unexpected.


Reweighting (i.e. not following the market-cap distribution) is again a form of trying to beat the market, no?


Looks like. I remember people were busy with reweighting during the crypto boom in 2017.

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