Black Friday 2023

If somebody sees a good deal for a new TV I would be interested. Our 2009 TV has crashed in late spring and since we did not have a TV which was fine for summer time but now we would like to have one.

Black Friday is the most tempting week/day to buy expensive stuff you don’t need.

So I support closing / deleting this thread.


From my experience most retailers push the prices before Black Friday and then make an “excellent offer”, which is actually higher than the price a few months ago.

I’m all for having us share data and ideas and then making our own decisions. Some black Friday deals are worth taking (mainly the phone plans ones, for me).

On a tangent: we would be making way less money if people only bought useful stuff and didn’t loose money trying to outsmart the market (not saying we should lay traps for other consumers/investors but that we should strive to provide meaningful data and ideas, that can help make informed decisions, though cannot and shouldn’t try to protect other people from themselves beyond that - which is a convoluted way to say I’m not fond of censorship and choosing for others what topics have value and which have not).

My previous post was meant somewhat jokingly (with regards to censoring this thread).

That said, I think following this thread can be conducive to overspending or spending on the “wrong” things. Especially since it so lumping together all kind of good deals - and not starting from what you actually need. @conquestador’s TV has been broken for months now and he has now identified a “need” for a new TV. And particularly now may even be a very good time to get a good deal on a new TV. I get it.

Had he started a new thread “Looking for a new (x inch) TV - recommendations?”, though, I’d quickly have thought: “Do I need a TV? No.”, with even less feeling I might miss out out on a good deal.

Looking for a replacement TV is a defined need, Best Black Friday deals sound like inducing wants.

TradingView premium for 233$/13months. Deal expires Friday. Use a free trial to make a picture if its of use to you. The not expiring price alerts is the best benefit for premium, in my experience.

2 years for free, what’s the catch?

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Anyone else having the feeling that this must be a scam?

Probably just marketing to catch new customer, some will keep it after the free 24 months (the offer is limited = marketing budget)

Never heard of them. Only in German?

It‘s Sunrise in the end.

Honestly, when I see my boys reading their books on a rainy day it makes me somehow proud and really questioning whether we really need a TV or not, so I get it. When I have to watch my NFL games on a phone screen though it’s not as fun as having them on the coach any maybe with a friend coming over.
Well any way I will keep looking out of there is a to good to be true offer. So far I have not seen one.

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Galaxus Black Friday Week

Thanks. Yes, so I see that Quickline is “a joint venture backed by numerous regional cable network operators. With a broadband market share of 4.4 percent and a landline market share of 3 percent, Quickline is the fourth-largest telecom service provider and the second-largest cable network operator in Switzerland.”

So what’s the catch? Can you get 2 years for free without having a broadband line?

Anyone thinking of getting this? I might switch from Wingo. How much worse is the Sunrise network compared to the Swisscom one that we get from Wingo?

Edit: I will check later but I wonder if it auto renews for a super long time if we don’t cancel by certain date, etc etc

Edit 2: Went for it :crossed_fingers:

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The network depends mainly on coverage and your location. In my experience, I’ve never been disappointed by Wingo and its network coverage. In the past, I’ve had insufficient network coverage with Sunrise in some places (Vaud and Valais mountain regions).
It’s not always worth changing subscription for a few francs if you’re happy with the network coverage in the area where you’re most often (IMO).

I agree but I would classify 25 CHF/month quite a bit above a few francs however.

It’s your personal decision. Do you want to save a few francs a month for a worse network or pay a few francs more for the best available network? (Meaning you can’t complain about the network in the future cause you intentionally chose to save)

As confirmed by connect mobile coverage test for several years it’s Swisscom > Sunrise > Salt. Swisscom also has the most frequencies and most antennas so this is just logical.

There might be places where Salt has the best speed/coverage and there might be places where Sunrise has the best but in most places it’s Swisscom, especially outside cities.

In case it helps anyone I went for it. I will report on it but I guess when that happens it will be too late to help most people. But if there are any questions that you might have let me know. Now I just need to know if I need to cancel my current plan or if it will be ported over on the date I specified. According to the Wingo Support chat I don’t need to do anything but I find that weird.