Best ETF hedged in ibkr


I’ve read a lot of threads , but still not clear for me what is the best etf in ibkr hedged chf

Do we have somewhere a wiki like :slight_smile:
Best etf world in usd : VT why bla bla
Best etf world in chf and why
Best etf world chf hedged and why
Best etf world hedged eur and why

Hedging stocks to currencies doesn’t make much sense:

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A bond ETF probably.

  • Probably VT or VWRL.
  • For me, an ETF in CHF (not hedged) does not make sense since a) you can buy the ETF specifically in CHF but with lower volume and higher spreads at SIX and b) the underlying is in USD/EUR/… anyways.
  • Not interesting for me, therefore, I leave that open. But I would take an all-world ETF from Vanguard or Blackrock’s iShares.
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ETFs traded in CHF do make sense for people who (need to) use a broker with high currency exchange fees such as Swissquote. For IBKR clients, there is almost no benefit.

IWDC is very expensive (0.55% TER). I’m not interested in CHF-hedged stock ETFs myself but if I was, I would likely choose the UBS MSCI ACWI SF UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) with a 0.21% TER.

What’s that supposed to be?

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If you are looking for an all world equity ETF hedged in CHF then most like IWDC is your best bet. It comes at a cost though because it’s TER is higher than SWDA (unhedged version)

IWDC is tracking MSCI World. There is also a very new ETF from UBS IE000N6LBS91(also tracking MSCI world) but it’s very small for now.

I am assuming you are looking for hedged version to have reduced currency exposure and not necessarily higher returns. If objective is to have higher returns then there is no conclusive proof if hedging works or not for Equity in long term investment.

Note -: MSCI World Index tracks developed world. It doesn’t include Emerging markets


There is also ACWIS from UBS. Msci acwi hedged to chf, high aum.

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I think that’s synthetic swap based ETF. Right? Or is it also physical replication ?

Good point mentioning that it’s swap-based. However, I assume the currency hedge anyway has a counter party risk, so maybe for a hedged ETF the difference between physical replication and synthetic is less significant? I’m not sure.