3a pillar // Guaranteed return lower then payments

  1. 7.4 Valeur de rachatLa valeur de rachat est égale à la réserve mathéma- tique diminuée d’un montant égal à 5% de la valeur actuelle des primes non encore échues. Pour une assurance à terme fixe libérée du paiement des primes suite au décès de la personne assurée, la va- leur de rachat est égale au montant du capital assuré escompté du taux d’intérêt technique. Pour une rente temporaire au décès, la valeur de rachat après le décès de la personne assurée est égale à la somme de toutes les futures rentes temporaires escomptée du taux d’intérêt technique.Selon l’évolution des taux, une déduction pour risque d’intérêt peut avoir lieu lors d’un rachat. Les cinq pre- miers points de pourcentage de la déduction de la valeur de rachat sont dans tous les cas supportés par AXA Vie SA. Aucune déduction pour risque d’intérêt n’a lieu au cours des cinq dernières années contrac- tuelles.Une éventuelle déduction pour risque d’intérêt est cal- culée sur la base de la durée résiduelle déterminante au moment du rachat multipliée par la différence entre le taux d’intérêt moyen et le taux de swap à sept ans en cas de rachat. La durée résiduelle déterminante de l’assurance est limitée à la moitié de la durée contrac- tuelle totale.
    Le taux d’intérêt moyen correspond, durant la pre- mière moitié de la durée contractuelle, à la valeur moyenne du taux de swap à sept ans depuis le début du contrat. Durant la deuxième moitié de la durée contractuelle, le taux d’intérêt moyen correspond à la valeur moyenne du taux de swap à sept ans sur les n dernières années précédant le rachat, n étant égal à la moitié de la durée contractuelle totale.

La valeur de rachat correspond à au moins deux tiers de la réserve mathématique, pour autant que les primes ont été payées pour au moins trois années, plus la valeur de rachat du bonus accumulé jusqu’à cette date.

Hello Daniel,
Well for me the idea is to invest for the long term,
I’m 33 and I have at least 30 years of investing before I retire.
That said, given the really bad returns I get from AXA ans Swisslife I guess I would recover quickly from the loss.
Honestly I don’t know how I signed for something like this…

Thanks jay, VIAC seems like a very interesting option

Does this mean I get 7K back?
Seems too good to be true…

I think everyone who has permanent life insurance eventually ends up wondering how they allowed themselves to be conned into it. If you’re planning long-term, I’d say take the loss and quit. But do check what the difference in cash value will be if you wait a year or so to cash out. For example, if you would get nothing back now, but would get 4k back next year after paying the last 3k premium, that 1000-franc difference would make it worth the wait and cost.

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Welcome to the club and F to your money :upside_down_face:

Get out as soon as possible of this scam and forget it forever. It will be the only mistake you made and you will recover your loss in the following year with a better product :wink:

Suite du sujet 3a pillar // Guaranteed return lower then payments :

So, for Swisslife seems more complex.
I’ve managed to find the full contract → WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free
I currently have 6’347.70 CHF with them.
I really don’t understand how I can calculate the loss for resigning.
Eternal gratitude for whoever can help me out :slight_smile:

This is unfortunately on purpose… try to ask for a calculation to the insurance company, im any case you’ll probably have to rely on that (and swallow the pill… :pill:)

Welcome to the club by the way…


Morning all,
Thanks for your kind support words so far, I’m already getting ready to swallow the pill and move forward!

To keep you updated on the process, and have more feedback from you:

  • I’ve called Axa and they said that I need to speak with the broker that sold me the insurance.
    I have a call with him Monday evening. → Is there anything I need to be aware of before talking to him? (other then the fact that he’ll try to make me stay?)

  • I’ve already created an account on VIAC and have the letter ready to be sent to Axa, should I wait and speak to the broker to find out how much I can get back or should I just send it?

This is for Axa, unfortunately I have a second one with Swisslife, same broker, but I only had it for 2 years (Axa is 3). So I guess the process will be the same.

If anyone could help me figure out how much I can get back it would be amazing.
Thanks everyone for your precious help!


Considering that the market (my benchmark is VT in CHF) is in 5+% correction from a previous all time maximum right now, I would just send it.

Another silly question, there is no guaranteed minimum with VIAC, is that correct? it’s just to understand but potentially I could loose everything right?

Also, what happens if I decide to buy property, can I use my third pillar with VIAC as I would have used a 3a with insurance?

Would it not make sense to keep half of the third pillar with insurance and the other half with VIAC?


Another update for the community,
I just spoke with both Axa and Swisslife and thy have given me the buyback value.

For Swisslife I have paid so far 6566 CHF, payback is 6309 CHF
For Axa, I have paid so far 7800, payback is 7000 CHF

So given the opportunity cost I have lost because of not investing it properly I will only loose a small amount of the capital.

Now, how is this possible, that I don’ t have to pay any other ridiculous penalty as the horror stories share by the community?
Am I missing out on something here?


Do you have a separate contract with that broker? Does it include a termination fee?

nope, i don’t think so

Yes, but if that happens, you’ll need ammo, food cans, and nuclear shelter. Insurance will be of no use anyway. On a more serious note, can you imagine the scenario where the global stock market goes to zero? It can get cut in half in a recession, it can stagnate for a decade, but it’s unlikely anything worse than that will happen. Especially that most of the world’s pensions funds and pension systems depend on stock market returns.

Yes, you can. VIAC is a normal 3a fund - just without the crappy insurance.

No. Better invest half and the other half keep in 3a bank account (or just normal bank account). Then cash will be your guaranteed savings - without the crappy insurance commissions. It’s better to lose due to inflation than to lose both due to inflation and crappy insurance commissions.


here is my two cents to the topic:

in summary:

  • bite the apple and cacel life insurance policies asap, and move the funds to viac/finpension.
  • if you want to have the insurance policies, fetch some offers on the free market for the individual covers.

On a side note: all of this won’t help you, unless you have a dependable group of people. You won’t be able to completely survive on your own. The next bigger (organized) group / clan will just come and haunt you down. Sorry for the off-topic


The only thing I did not consider when cancelling my 3a insurance plan was that with certain banks you could have pledged the policy for your mortgage.

In my case I had to move funds to UBS and buy their overpriced 3a funds just to get some return on my money.

1057 CHF lost out of 14’366 is roughly 7%. If I would be in your shoes, I would swallow the bitter pill and cancel both. Better to do it early, than to stick to crappy contracts.

Make sure to get the confirmation from the broker via mail, or better: an official document.

I can’t tell you for sure, but I know that the Generali offer was crappy as hell. I don’t know if I kept it, but the first 3 years the buyback amount was 0 CHF. So consider yourself lucky.

Please consider your risk-tolerance if you are asking those questions. You are in it for the long run, and you might have to stomach 40% loss of book value during your next 20 or 30 years. Which don’t matter, as long as you keep invested.

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ok but how would a bank accept it without the guaranteed value given by the insurance, I thought this was the only actual advantage of an insurance 3a