Up until last year, instead of listing every stock I hold, I simply add an entry in the WV/DA-1 form with the brokerage account number/name and simply add the total account value.
I have noticed this year, 2024, that the form does not allow you to edit any entry. That means I have to list each stock holding individually on my DA-1!
I have tried writing to the ZHPrivateTax email support, but didn’t get any reply.
Anyone used to file taxes the way I did, how did you get to edit the form this year?
I think you can still fill it out like on paper, there is an option.
Are you sure they did accept the “total value” solution last year, did you get the money? I was always under the impression that you have to ask for the money back for every position.
I have another problem. Actually it is not me having the problem but the taxman:
Stocks that are lent out get you dividends too, but the dividend is paid by the one that did lend and short sell the stock. If it is a U.S. stock this situation is taxed the same way as regular dividends, with withholding tax.
But if it is not an U.S. stock I suppose it depends on the country. Canada for example does not tax this situation. Now, if you have your stock lent out the whole time you just fill it out in the normal declaration, not the DA1, “without withholding tax”.
But if only part of your shares are lent out or they were lent out only for one dividend but paid more, you have a problem: there is no way to declare this situation with the actual online tax form.
I am tired of telling the taxman how to do his job. In Germany the tax authorities did lose billions with that kind of “getting back tax never paid” situation, called Cum-Ex. I suppose in Switzerland it is the same or worse.
It is only a few Dollars and they never pay me back the full amount as my tax rate is lower than 15%, so it is probably not a problem for me.
If you go under DA1 section , then click manual entry, then select Depot option under Art, I guess it would work
However it could be that ZH Kanton doesn’t prefer such entries anymore and want the investor to list individual transactions
P.S -: I have not filed the tax as no paper received yet. However to make it easy for tax office, I was planning to list the individual securities anyways
Yes, I have been doing that for the past 10 years. The tax office always accepted it and I get my money.
It is much simpler to just add one row in the form with the total amount in the brokerage account and the dividend received. Of course, I attach the statements from my brokerage account.
Thanks @Abs_max! I see that I can add a manual entry with this type of “accounts”.
However, the only thing that can’t be edited is the “%” column.
I used to be able to edit it to the default “15%” but not with the “Depot” option.
I see
I suggest to break down the dividend part and interest part separately
Only Dividend stocks are DA 1 relevant
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