Young man on the road to FI!

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my short adventure (for now) in the financial field with you, and maybe get some tips or tricks? I am currently 18 years old.
The various graphs of my finances are at the end of the post.

Professional background:
I started in August 2020 a banking internship in a big bank in Switzerland. I started at that time to follow my finances with my first salaries. First year passed, and still interested in finance and economy, I started my second year (out of 3 in total).
I then had the opportunity to go abroad for a full year to learn German and English (my native language is French). In August 2022 I went to Germany for 6 months where I worked in a real estate agency. And I am now until the end of July in Ireland also in a real estate agency. I passed my B2 exam in German and hope to pass the B2 exam in English soon. When I return in August 2023 I will start my 3rd and final year of internship and would then like to go to a university (part-time) to continue learning and specialize.

Financial background:
I’ve had a habit since I was a kid of putting money aside to buy bigger things (I used to save up to buy the big Lego boxes, you know). When I started my apprenticeship my goal was to fulfill my dream and buy my first motorcycle when I was 16.I found several student jobs to allow me to realize my dream in time. My first wages as an apprentice helped me to complete what I was missing. I bought it in October 2020 and managed to sell it last June for more than I bought it for ! (15% in less than 2 years lol) I then found a great deal on a more powerful bike in September which explains the big drop in my wealth (and I received a nice gift for my 18th birthday in December, that’s why it goes up afterwards :slight_smile:)
However, during my year abroad, my contract in Switzerland is on hold, so I am not paid by my company. Here in Ireland, the company I have been working for since February 2023 has decided to pay me 100 euros per week which was not the case in Germany.

In October 2021 I found out that the bank I work for allowed me to invest in the financial markets as a minor (TER 1.5%…, but I didn’t know what that was yet and had no real strategy).
I have now transferred everything to IB in the VT ETF. I now have over 15k CHF at IB !!

I’m pretty happy about the chance I have to get paid here in Ireland when I was supposed to work for free but it’s still frustrating to see my net worth stagnate since almost 1 year… (fortunately my parents pay me for food here, I just have to finance my outings and activities with my money).
I see everywhere people say to create a business, to create a complementary salary, but I am blocked by the fact of not knowing what to do that could bring me money. Maybe I’d like to buy and sell in my passion, which is motorcycles? It’s very frustrating to not see too much movement in my finances, most of the changes are due to the market moving.

My goal is to maximize my exposure to the market because little by little a little becomes a lot, especially with compound interest! I don’t necessarily dream of retiring at 40 due to my young age and the few years I’ve had in the working world, but if I can hedge against the risks and stresses of work I can only be happier, can’t I ?

What do you think about my situation? Should I be more focused on creating income for myself? Am I on the right way?

Thanks to all !


Congrats on your journey !

You’re 18 years old. Enjoy your experience in Ireland, meet people and learn as much as you can.

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Thank you! Yes, I’m going to enjoy the last 3 months I have left :slight_smile:

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Congratulations :tada::tada::tada:

Just finished my Apprenticeship last year and you managed to save significantly more than me in 4 years, you’re really ahead of the game.

I’d say just keep buying VT until you have a better idea of what you want to do with this money in the future. I understand the part of not seeing movement on your finances. But just ignore the noise.

Keep it up and glad to see more young people on the forum.

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Congrats and well done on thinking about FI and future so early!

Just don’t forget to also live and enjoy your young years (10s and 20s :smile:) along the way; there will be plenty of opportunities to save and invest later.


I agree with you 100%. I tend to forget to enjoy my money and my youth. I tend to regret when I spend my money, thinking that I could have saved it for something more important.

So I don’t spend my money much because I don’t know what to spend it on that I wouldn’t regret (except for motorbikes, which go very quickly). The only time I spend my money without “feeling guilty” is when I give gifts to my loved ones.

I’ve been trying for some time to spend my money more on memories than on material things.

What do you think about it? Should I “force” myself to buy things? Or should I continue to save a lot?


As probably a lot of things in life, it is all about balance.

On one end of the scale, one could work today and “live” later. On the other end, one could live today and care about tomorrow when it comes. The right thing to do is somewhere in the middle and it is for you to decide on your balance.

One thing I like to remind myself on my FIRE journey: in my view there is no point to die with money on my bank account or invested or in a property.

Save for a goal (even if still abstract, like FI) but don’t save for the sake of it and don’t forget to enjoy your life along the way, which sometimes we are reminded can be tragically much shorter than expected.


Live to the max now and invest later when your salary grows

Advice might not apply to everyone but from what you have written you have a passion and self-discipline towards work and investing

Thank you very much for your thoughts and advice. It makes me think, and it’s true that there’s no point in being the richest man in the cemetery without having been able to enjoy it. I will try to find that balance

Thanks for your advice! What really gets me going is the motorbike, which is very expensive. It’s one of my motivations for financial independence. To be able to take holidays and discover the world on a motorbike, or even to allow myself some days on a circuit.
Thank you for all your advice!

Can you share the tool of the spreadsheet what you use for these nice graphs? Of course without your personal data. Thanks

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My advice is: No, do not force yourself to buy things. The urge to buy consumer goods is artificial, and is instilled in us through brainwashing (aka marketing). If you get all the enjoyment you need from riding motorbikes, then stick to motorbikes and leave the consumer goods alone. Save your money for real valuables (e.g. property, stocks).


It’s Excel / Google Sheets :smile:

I think it is a mindset thing: if you have the mindset that you are missing out on something, you can buy goods for all your money, or travel the whole world, later you will look back and say you did not enjoy life enough. But that is because the media markets to us that consumption is the only way to happiness. Probably the only way to happiness is to be happy with yourself. So don’t judge too hard yourself. If you want a new motorbike, work for it, earn it, enjoy it. But just buying or traveling will not make you happy later. It will be the same you:).
Good job that you focus on financial so young!
I would try to work on my income, so you start to earn more and more, but patience is key. Until you don’t have the necessary skills, focus more on learning than earning


Of course, it’s Google Sheet. I used to use Excel but since I discovered google Sheet I much prefer it.

Thank you for your wisdom! It’s great to get all these different opinions that help me a lot :slight_smile:

Honestly, I currently feel like I’m missing something. But that’s due (I guess) to the fact that I’m abroad - my family, friends, hobbies, and passion are in Switzerland.
Plus the weather is really bad in Ireland! It plays a lot on the mood ahah


Just a heads-up: Many big Swiss banks don’t allow investment accounts at other institutions. How legal that is, I don’t know. But it seems you are increasingly reliant on being able to work at a bank to monetize your professional skills.

In my bank I am allowed to invest with another broker. I just have to notify the bank and not trade my bank’s stock during certain periods.

Great start if the FI journey! And thanks for sharing!

It looks like you’re already debtfree and have an emergency fund. Personally, I wouldn’t take it much futher for now.

Once the “real” salaries come rolling in, avoid lifestyle inflation and continue the FI journey up the ladder. Avoid costly mistakes along the way (easier said that done!) and set your priorities right when it comes to having a relationship and kid(s). FI itself is a cool goal but there are more important things in life.