Why it is important to stay active in retirement

Among some other interesting findings, there’s this very true warning:
“The very prospect of an early retirement itself may sap the worker’s motivation,” Brian told us. “Why take on difficult projects and learn new skills if you are fifty, but are leaving the workforce in five years?” In other words, the mental retirement effect may kick in before you’ve even left your job.


Better to focus on Financial Independence than Early Retirement. Do whatever you want, but do something.


I guess it must be difficult anyway to maintain similar level of motivation on FIRE. The awareness of being FI makes you more relaxed about work and decreases motivation. You probably have to find something that you love and drives you to wake up in the morning and keep being active.

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The comments are spot-on : “Find something to retire to, not something to retire from”.

As a side comment, it has always bugged me that a very common idea of retirement in the blogging world is sipping mojitos on the beach. After three days it would be the most boring thing ever!