I’m with IBKR UK. I noticed that bitcoin related funds e.g. GBTC and IBIT are blocked.
Does anyone know the reason for the block? I know that there are other ways to buy BTC, but I was wondering why/how these funds are blocked and who is blocking (IBKR?, UK?, CH?)?
This is my first post in the forum, although I have been a reader for many months.
Sorry for jumping straight into the discussion without introducing myself in the “Share your story” section. First, I want to thank all of you for the invaluable experiences and recommendations I have gained from the blog and the forum.
Regarding IBKR and cryptocurrencies, I tried trading cryptocurrency ETFs (like IBIT) through IB at the end of last year. As most forum members have highlighted, it is not possible for us as Swiss residents to trade these ETFs because our accounts are with IBKR UK. Currently, the only way to trade cryptocurrency ETFs at IBKR UK is to be qualified as a professional trader.
Things may change by 2026 for UK (So I guess for us too with IBKR UK accounts).
However, IBKR offers crypto trading through a third-party partner (Paxos) via the IBKR account/interface. You need to request permissions by filling out a questionnaire, and takes approximately 2-4 days for confirmation from IBKR.
Personally, I opted for Crypto Basic, which allows access to 5 cryptocurrencies directly from my IBKR account (from what I understood, Crypto Plus requires transferring money from IBKR to Paxos and trading from their platform; TBC).
Also, IBKR-Paxos Basic (not sure for Crypto Plus) comes with the limitation that you can only trade max 10% of your NAV.
I hope this helps.
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