Where to look up historical data for 3a funds?

Is there a source for historical data for pillar 3a pension funds used by finpension, VIAC etc.?

If I wanted to know the price of, say, CS/UBS MSCI World Quality ex CH (CH0253609066) for the end of July, I would need to log in to my finpension account, create a report for 31.07.2024, download and open it, look for the position table and find the share price there.

Over at finanzen.ch, there is a page for this fund, even with a chart, but the table simply says “no data available” and the chart is not interactive so I can’t hover over a specific data point to get the exact value.

Anyone know where I can easily look up the values?

Bonus question: any way to get the share price in Apple Numbers, like I can for normal stocks and ETFs?

Use Yahoo Finance?

Apple Numbers:


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Ha! Thank you so much!

I was so close, at some point I did try Yahoo Finance using the valor no., but the page shows obviously incorrect information.

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It was possible to download Excel tables with daily NAVs values for CSIF funds from the fund’s page on CS website. Now …

Ahem… it’s me again. Any way I can find these pension funds (the above-mentioned in particular) on TradingView? All of these didn’t work when I tried them:

  • CH0253609066
  • 25360906
  • 0P000150IE.SW

If you have UBS account then check there. They tend to have most funds

Historical data I can check at Yahoo Finance. Being able to see them on TradingView would be great as I have a home screen widget on my iPhone to see how my investments are doing. But I shouldn’t check that often anyway, so maybe it’s for the better :smiley:

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You can’t do much about 3a funds. So I would say just let them grow

The main thing you should watch out is if there is too much rebalancing costs because of redemptions and subscriptions.

For low cost in/out funds it should be fine. But for funds with large redemption fee, too much rebalancing at portfolio level might lead to erosion of return

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