When do you receive your 13th month's pay?

I last heard someone say that the 13th month’s pay is nothing more than a free loan to the employer. Anyway, I’m wondering: when do you get the 13th?

  • November
  • December
  • I don’t have a 13th
  • Other
0 voters

And: How do you get the 13th?

  • In a separate bank transfer
  • Together with the monthly salary
  • I receive company shares
  • Other
0 voters

13th in June and 14th in December.


11/12 in November and 1/12 in December

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I can choose between 12 salary majored with 13th month or having the 13th on December

Guess what I’ve choosed :sweat_smile:


Whole annual salary paid out in January.
I hope I guessed right.


“I don’t have a 13th” + Bonus paid with March salary

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Same here :slight_smile: (working in the public sector)

Although, I’m not a big fan of 13th salary, I would prefer to have 12 salaries (evt. with a bonus if working in the private sector).


1/2 13th in June, 1/2 13th in December

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Mine is splitted in 1/12th and added to each monthly salary.
It could be mandatory to add one for IT sectors in French Swiss cantons.

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i had to lol at this. coming from a country where there is no such things as the ‘13th salary’ this does seem like a sensible way of handling it

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In most cases, the salary on the working contract is set per year. Some companies pay it in 12 parts, while others pay it in 13. It doesn’t really matter as long as the total amount remains the same. Personally, I prefer 12, but right now, I receive 13, which is paid in December.