Long shot as I see many people do ETFs, but can you recommend any services which aid the stockpicking process? I have access to public data and EVA analysis. But I don’t have access to all analyst reports (apart from what I see in IBKR PRO) and I find it a pain to go on company websites and fish out earning calls and transcripts. So something aggregating all these company infos, reports, balance sheets at a reasonable price would be great if you guys have any tips. (Currently I only pay for one newsletter.)
How are people tracking their portfolios? I previously stored these on Google Finance and then when it closed down transitioned to Yahoo Finance. Yahoo has gone steadily worse until the practically unusable state it is in now and so I need to find an alternative.
I guess maybe I would even write my own simply tracker but then would need a data source to pull live (or near live) prices for stocks and ETFs.
Plus creating a function yahooF in Google Sheets to get crypto price feeds from Yahoo Finance. Short of using a portfolio tool, I log some grand totals either manually or with the onEdit trigger.
function onEdit(e) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Overview');
var datetime = sheet.getRange("C1").getValue();
var totalinv = sheet.getRange("A4").getValue();
var value = sheet.getRange("A7").getValue();
var nocrypto = sheet.getRange("C7").getValue();
var sheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Data_Log');
sheet2.appendRow([datetime, totalinv, value, nocrypto]);
Wouldn’t this (and similar) formula do for the popular crypto without needing to use functions?
On a similar topic, for the old-fashioned non-crypto holders, does someone know the gold price function which works these days, there was a simple one but it stopped working, now I use
for USD/g Au
For Silver (USD/g) this “works” reasonably, but also looks over-complicated (don’t even remember how I derived it)
=GOOGLEFINANCE(“SLV”, “price”)*10/POW(0.995,YEARFRAC(TODAY(), “21/04/2006”, 1))/10
So you see, @PhilMongoose , with Google Sheets there is some work/time involved to get it working, …and keep it working. But the flexibility is worth it, for me.
Has anybody figured out how to get the SwissCanto funds (VIAC) into the Google Sheets.
like Gold or Commodity
I gave up trying to scrap after having issues with confirming that you are a Swiss resident and a professional fund click.
Speaking of Google Sheet: I would like to calculate compound interest. So 1:1 this, but in a Google Sheet. There is =ZINS and =ZINSZ, but I’m really too stupid to come up with a formula.
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