What profession would you like to pursue after FI?

So the reason I want to achieve FI is to have options and the freedom to do what I want.

It’s absolutely clear to me though, that I want to stay active in some way afterwards, whether it’s working on a meaningful project or doing volunteer work.
Doing nothing of the sort would quickly become boring for me.

What are your ideas for this part of the journey?
Are there jobs that you would rather do than your current job, but the difference in salary doesn’t yet allow you to change?
→ What profession would you pursue, if the pay didn’t matter?

Looking forward to reading your thoughts and reflections.

Good question.
I think I will try, amongs other things, to be a…software developer. This time for my own projects and let’s hope that I publish at least one :slight_smile:


Becoming a magician would be nice. :laughing:
Not much money to get there (unless you go into fraudulent territories), but it’s not about money then anymore :smiley:

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Woodworker and/or blacksmith. Making and selling food and beverages. Making soap. Farming/gardening.


All things that you can’t really do easily in .ch :frowning:
Well maybe selling food at the market…

Eh? There’s a woodworking/carpenter ausbildung place 3 mins by foot from my flat, and a messerschmied 15 mins by foot :slight_smile:

In any case I doubt one needs any special permission to do woodworking for fun. Blacksmithing may need some specialised air extraction and maybe filtering machinery due to the smoke from the forge.

There are also allotments, some pretty nice!

Cosmetics and food I’d expect are heavily regulated but that’s everywhere, including in my native Greece. Then again, if I’m FI I can mess around - I plan to mess around - for fun rather than profit.

Apologies. In Zurich you can’t surely start doing carpentry in an apartment. :slight_smile:
If you have the spaces to do it, then that’s nice. Maybe there are some kind of atelier for that. I know Die Rote Fabrik had something in ZH.

GZ Albisrieden has a nice one!

Ah no worries, I’m in rural BL :slight_smile:

I think there’s quite a few places to do that (GZs, or dynamo: Werkbereich | Dynamo Zürich)

Probably also some private places.

Yeah, that’s the one I know. I suppose Mirager meant to have his own place though.

Ah yeah no, I meant somewhere outside. Another point which I love about CH is how active (not only in terms of sports) people seem to be. Signs of a comfortable, confident, relaxed society. Coming back after holidays in Greece it always strikes me how chill everyone is and how easy life seems to be. Don’t break the law, work, ???, profit!

I think there is nothing wrong in continuing in the current job, if you like it. :slight_smile:
Working part-time or being self-employed could be things that make somone like their work even more.

Personally I tried out working part-time on weekends (maybe 4-8 hrs per week) on something I enjoyed and it didn’t feel like a job at all, which is amazing.
The same applies to some consulting clients that I have advised as a self-employed person in a domain of interest to me.

When you pursue a job and take the “work part” out of it, what’s left is a fulfilling activity.

Yeah, atm I’m torn between that and other manual things as others. Even painting.
Or strangling the neighbor subwoofer, but that’s another (sad) story…

I’m not sure it can be directly linked to it. I would say wealthy, but not necessarily comfortable and relaxed. For me at least, fitness/cardio (which I practice 3/week) is mostly a way to protect my mental health, avoid burnout and get some clarity of mind in my decision processes.

People who are relaxed and comfortable have time and the luxury to do sports but people who live a stressful life actually need it to keep balance (or at the very least, it can help a lot. Doesn’t have to be expensive either, bodyweight exercises on a vita trail give plenty of mileage already).

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I was referring to activities other than sports, which seem to be very common here - artistic/creative activities. Coming from the perpetual hellhole/warzone that’s Athens, Greece it makes a huge difference. Caveat that we live in semi-rural BL as I said, likely things and people are different in the big cities. Over here everyone seems to be in perpetual bliss :stuck_out_tongue:
Re: fitness: I try to go 3/week but in reality it’s more like 1-2, depending on how hot it is, mainly do weights as I get ultra bored with cardio. Not sure it gives me any mental health benefits. I know the data on exercise and that it’s golden for every aspect of life and health, but the reason I go is because I simply like lifting weights :stuck_out_tongue:

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One that let’s me work 50-60%, because the time is far more valuable. Even if I worked with dogs all day (which sounds amazing though I am sure people who do may say it isn’t all that), I wouldn’t want to work 5 days a week if I had FI. Maybe also work at the airport or for an airline. Find it fascinating and has good perks.