What new (used) car to get? Diesel or petrol?

I mean, the planet and your portfolio would probably love you to get a Renault Zoé instead but sure, go for it if that’s what you want. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did a comparison a couple of years ago when we had to change our car and end up with the cheapest total cost of ownership on second hand electric cars like Nissan Leaf or Renault Zoe (when you can get one with the battery owned and not in rental). Then comes the hybrids like Prius and Auris second hand if you can get ones with not to many km for 10-15’000frs.

It Cary a bit with the yearly km you do but not that much. And other criteria will highly influence the choice like: do you have a private parking spot where you can install a charger, what size of car you need (3 kids reduce a lot the options), other gadgets that you absolutely want to have (driving assistance, line following,…).

Note that Tesla end up quite high because of the initial cost of the car and you don’t save vs a cheap EV on the running cost.

Of course we end up with exactly the opposite of what I wanted but with 3 kids and no parking spot at the time (macaron) there was not that much of interesting options.

I checked again a little less than 1 year ago and it didn’t changed much, cheaper Zoe with battery (if possible large one) or Nissan Leaf (N-Connecta if you want drive assist stuff) are among the most economical while modern and comfortable. Then Prius, if the classic one of the previous generation fit you, there are a lot on the market for cheap. I’m not sure how bad is the second hand market due to shortage on newer ones thus.

This is an excellent example! Generalizing that some manufacturer is reliable or even worse a country makes reliable cars is a fatal mistake. One has to look for a specific model with a specific configurarion if one wants to find a dependable car.

This is one of the reasons why new cars are literaly a gamble in terms of reliability. They have no history and hence no proof for reliability!

Yes, my words exactly. That’s why I keep saying in this thread.