What is the symbol of BNP Paribas Euro stock in IBKR?

hi, naive question, what is the symbol of BNP Paribas in IBKR? current price around 45 Euros, it’s the first time I can’t find a stock under IBKR, I searched BNP and there were several instruments appeared, but none of them are around this price. Thanks

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The second feom the top in the second picture.

BNP PARIBAS (SBF) has a price of around 45


Just search for BNP? BNP Paribas - SBF (EUR) and BNP Paribas - EBS (CHF)

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Thanks to both! the one listed in CHF seems to be empty though :sweat_smile:

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Just means that there are not a lot of trades. I’d recommend to trade it on another exchange with more volume.

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