What happened to SWX:CHSPI?

I guess many among you use GOOGLEFINANCE functions to keep track of their investments.
For some weeks now, the ticker SWX:CHSPI (iShares Core SPI ETF) returns no values. Meanwhile the similar SWX:CSSMIM (iShares SMIM ETF) works without issues.
Have you observed the same problem? And did you find another source for CHSPI that can be used for Google Sheets?
Thanks & best regards!

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I’ve the same problem with SWX:SW2CHB. Already for about one month or so no data. It also cannot be found on Google.finance. No idea why is that. So, for this ETF I get the data from investing.com with the importxml function. That works perfectly fine.


Interesting. How is this done exactly?

Just google ‘google spreadsheet importxml’ and you will find plenty of examples!

This might help you

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