VOO not tradable on IB?

Hello there.

Just tried to buy VOO through IB, however I get the message that the fund is missing the KID (Key information document) in the appropriate language and cannot be traded.

Does anyone know what I can do? I have had my account since before I came to Switzerland (from another EU country), is it because of this and the EU law still applies to my account? (Even though i switched my residency correctly).

Are there any other tradable and distributing S&P 500 ETFs on IB? Mainly I wanted to profit from the additional 15% tax reduction on dividends.

Or do I just have to accept it and buy an UCITS ETF?

It must be the EU law still being applied to your account.
Check again if residency is changed properly. Write support if it doesn‘t change.

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You probably need to transfer your account outside of EU (move to IB UK) I think.