VIAC is launching a new life insurance product

This insurance costs you 0.216% of insured amount per year. One from VIAC climbs to 0.126% per year at the age of 44. So, think.

By the way I took a life insurance from SafeSide and my premium as % of insured amount is higher than what is shown in this thread at Viac for my age. But my coverage is more than 300k.

yes but the offer from VIAC increases each year,
from age 47 it goes to chf 473,
age 50 chf 627,
age 55 chf 1032


Maybe i am missing something but it doesnt seem as good

This approximately corresponds to what you pay now. Are you sure that your premium won’t increase even more when you are 50? Is the amount of premium guaranteed? Or maybe you misunderstood and the coverage decreases?

Anyway, just by knowing how insurances work, I am pretty sure that if you calculate a total premium for same life insurance until you are 64 or whatever, you will be cheaper with VIAC.

I don’t expect keeping the Viac disability insurance for many years at the maximum. At some point my investments should suffice (at least in combination with IV). So I’m not planning to pay the higher rates.


I have an additional question about this thread.

I’ve always been told that when someone is working, AHV/AVS with 2nd pillar together give a sufficient coverage in case of death and disability, but if somone stops working (to study or in case one person in a household stops completely working to take care of the kids).

My girlfriend is going to stop working for a few years to study. So I was thinking about using the Viac life insurance for death and disability for her. I know that if someone is not employed with no salary, he cannot pay into the pillar 3a.

But is the VIAC life insurance possible for someone without a job and currently not contributing to pillar 3a?

@pwi not a direct answer to your VIAC question. But ask your girlfriend if her employer offers voluntary death + disability insurance with some provider. Some companies allow you to keep the insurance even after you leave the company … for extended periods ( 5 years after leaving company in my case with a condition that I pay for those years before I leave)

@covfefe thank you for your indirect answer :grinning: It’s interesting enough to explore further. May I ask if this insurance was within your pension fund? Or was it with an insurance company. I’ve heard it’s possible if you take a sabbatical, but she will resign.
And I guess it was only the risk insurance? not the savings component which would be way to expensive without having a job…

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Not part of pension fund (second pillar)

It is completely voluntary term insurance - no saving plan - for death or disability or both.