VIAC 3a strategy amidst global turmoil

The share / ETF market is currently under pressure, since 10yr US Government Bonds interest rates are hiking, therefore investors prefer bonds over equities.

Due to the above mentioned macro environment, my VIAC 100 Global strategy probably requires a new strategy, since I think “higher for longer - as the FED says” would mean that equities could possibly crash further.

Which VIAC 3a pillar strategy is the right strategy for the current macro scenario ?
Unfortunately it seems, that VIAC only invests into CH Corporate bonds.

All inputs appreciated.

We have no idea for how long the current macro scenario will last, nor what is coming after that. The right VIAC 3a pillar strategy is probably the one that, when taken comprehensively with our other assets, fits our risk tolerance and allows for us to reach our financial goals.

In short: the safest way to move forward is to choose an asset allocation that doesn’t depend on current macro scenarios and to go with that no matter what the current macro scenario becomes.


Or on Monday starts the biggest and longest stock rally ever seen, or it could be another Black Monday, or the stock market stays flat for 10 years. Nobody knows what happens tomorrow, even less what happens in 10 years.

As Wolverine stated you need to find an allocation that fits YOUR risk profile and not following some macro scenario that will be revised in two weeks because suddenly the stock market has a 2 week rally and is again the hottest thing since sliced bread.

It all depends on how much risk you are willing to take (risk tolerance), how much risk you are able to take (risk capacity) and your investment horizon.


You can always open another 3rd pillar account with Finpension for example. They have more and more index funds you can choose from:

@Fallguy you could do a custom strategy with viac moving all your funds to cash or cherry pick CSIF or Swisscanto etf.
Check out some other threads if you want to exclude bonds from your viac allocation: