USDC at Hodl Hodl

I’m experimenting on the Binance Smart Chain using autofarm to do similar things i.e. farming yields on crypto assets. Crypto lombard lending is a new business and of course the first ones to be part of it take a lot of risk committing their assets to this since there’s no history on these products and a lot of horror stories of people getting scammed, similar to those people who put some money on BTC 10 years ago. As long as one is aware of that and is fine with the extend of capital committed to these activities w.r.t. one’s wealth I guess those discussion on this looks dodgy etc. do not bring anything to the conversation. I personally believe the risk / reward on those kind of yield farming or buying some crypto makes sense as a means of diversification in the overall portfolio but I would not YOLO everything of course.

On the BSC crypto chain you can see here that the crypto lending market is about 5 Billions USD (Venus is the main provider in this ecosystem) so others have the same idea.