UPC and Naxoo - "Connection fees"

I have been using UPC for a long time. I pay CHF35 per month for 600 Mbit/s.

Yesterday, I received a letter from Naxoo. I never knew I was using Naxoo in any way. But apparently, there is a “connection fee” for the fibre optics cable which was paid by my regie.

The letter from Naxoo also says that my regie will stop paying for the connection fee. So I have to sign a new contract with Naxoo and pay CHF29.95 per month otherwise my internet connection with UPC will be interrupted!

I tried calling both UPC and Naxoo but there were less than sympathetic and not helpful. I am still waiting for a response from my regie.

Has anyone here faced the same situation? How did you resolve this?

The best way to solve this is to call UPC and cancel the contract. They might pay that fee for you or just cancel it. Then you can switch to something else, maybe naxoo if have just cable. (Side note: naxoo’s website is veery slow. bad sign).

Yallo might be helpful, but they are basically UPC, so I suppose the same will happen.

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Thanks @ma0 I called UPC and they said that I could get out of the contract only in 2025. So I have to stick with them until then.

Sign the contract and pay directly. You were anyway probably charged by the regie for this so it shouldn’t make a difference to you economically.

Something is weird anyway, but I don’t know what you mean with “regie”. They can’t change stuff under the rug without letting you opt out. I think the problem lies with your “regie” that somehow decided to stop paying for it and did not warn you in time.

Yes, you are right. The regie decided to pass on the cost of the cable to renters.