Total rip-off "waterdrop" (advertising from "Die Höhle der Löwen"). Is there a cheaper alternative to buy in Switzerland?


Total rip-off “waterdrop” (advertising from “Die Höhle der Löwen”). Is there a cheaper alternative to buy in Switzerland?

I love waterdrop, but unfortunately it’s very expensive. Is there an alternative, but without sugar? I dont like sugar drinks…

What can you recommend from LIDL, Aldi, Migros and Co?

Thanks and a happy day

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Tea is cheap and can be found in every supermarket.

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I’m looking for something with less effort. The effort must be just as small as with waterdrop. Thank you


To be honest, just drink water.


Zero sugar syrup?

My go to is homemade iced tea: boil water in the evening, put the tea bags and whatever else you want in the water right after that, go to bed, bottle up and put in the fridge in the morning. It’s less about effort and more about time management/building the habit but I find it pretty rewarding once it sets in.


I second zero sugar syrup.

Basic question - what is the point of waterdrop?

To me it sounds like flavoured water with vitamin boosts. If that’s the case, then the best is to not drink it :slight_smile:

Vitamins are generally more effective when they come in natural form. This means fruit vitamins from eating fruits, vegetables vitamins from eating vegetables and so on. Just because one can extract them, doesn’t always mean consumer can absorb them. Exception Vitamin D and B12. There is no real good source anymore.

Fruit flavours are not fruits.

However -: if the purpose is to have flavoured water, infused tea bags work best. I sometimes don’t even boil it. I just put Hibiskus tea bag in cold water and drink it.

Most other products will generally have sugar or sugar free supplements or else people wouldn’t drink them. Migros do sell these fizz tablets (from 1 CHF to 10 CHF depending on marketing) but I think they all have some sugar.

I read the tagline somewhere
„Waterdrops, best flavoured water for hydration“

Unfortunately tap water doesn’t have marketing folks or else
„100% water, 100% Hydration, Al Naturale“. Because hydration needs only one thing - water


Well the French made an effort by coming up with „Château du Robinet“ :slightly_smiling_face:


If you are only interested in vitamins with flavor: Vitamin tablets usually also have a taste.

It’s been a trend in the French part of Valais (at least) for a few years. It’s started with Sembrancher where restaurants serve carafes titled “eau de Sembrancher” and it has spread to other communes.

That being said, I can understand that not everybody enjoys the taste of their specific tap water, particularly if they have moved to another town. There can be meaningful differences from one town to another (even though they’re all of very high quality).

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I second, that artificial flavors should be avoided. Additionali I think it is not ideal to consume Vitamins with lots if water, because most of them are watersoluble,you want them to pass your body slowly.

What I do, is having a mint plant on my balcony. With few leaves 1l water can be flavored within minutes. if you like you can also add a bit of lemon.


This not artificial?

Sirup Zero · Kalorienarmer Limettensirup mit Fruchtsaft, mit Minz-, Holunderblüten · Hugo ohne Alkohol, mit 30% Fruchtsaft

It tastes very good, thanks @Sandro

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That I dont know for sure.

thanks to all the responses from this discussion.

I think I have solved my problem with “Zero Sugar” from Migros. Unfortunately there is no syrup without sugar in LIDL, the Migros group is too expensive for me. I also don’t trust these effervescent tablets from waterdrop, I’m afraid they might be chemical.

I recommend scanning the syrup with Yuka.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-06 um 07.43.37

Score: 39/100


  • E211: Preservative that can trigger hypersensitivity and allergies
  • E950: Synthetic sweetener that favours metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disorder

Source: Yuki, scientific sources are linked in the app.

What I don’t understand: I thought the only advantage of Waterdrop was that you can take it with you without having to carry a lot of weight. And if you want to drink, you can fill your bottle with water and throw in a tab. But now you have decided in favour of a syrup bottle, which suggests to me that the application is mainly at home. If you want something with flavour but without sugar and additives, why not tea? Making tea is super quick :sweat_smile:

But yes, it’s your decision. It’s 30 degrees in summer, so drinking a lot is probably the most important thing :slightly_smiling_face:


Anything with these Exxx is in general always something to avoid


Not all Exxx are bad, but some are.

Please let me know which one is good. As far as I understand all of them are processed chemicals

I did not say that there are good. Just that not all of them are bad.

For example:

  • E330: Citric acid, extends the life of the product
  • E300: Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin c
  • and others …

As a normalo, it’s almost impossible to see the big picture. That’s why I use Yuka, which explains every ingredient including scientific sources (links to studies or links to health authorities) in case something is bad (There are other apps too, this is just what I use).