Threads with unread messages

I am not sure how the Discourse forum software sorts and filters threads with unread messages.

In the attached screenshots you see two threads with unsread messages. But on the ‘Aktuell’ tab I see six. Why is there such a difference?

You’re tracking those two threads, but not the others.

Threads start off as “normal”, and get bumped to “tracking” when you either post in them or spend enough time reading the thread.

This can be controlled on a per-thread basis with the little bell button at the right side of the page, next to the scroll bar.


Ah, thanks for explaining that, was asking myself the same thing as @gaijin (thanks for asking too).

I feel this is “new” since about 2 maybe 3 months? Or maybe threads being bumped to tracking was fine-tuned/made more/less sensitive around then.

Thanks for this fast reply, it clarified everything for me.

I added the settings page to add some more threads to my tracking list. That took 24 hours until they showed up in my unread list. Now all is working to my liking :grinning: