The Swiss Antimustachian-Wall-of-Shame-and-Comedy

Juicero was shutdown, which means people are not that dumb. Who was dumb were the people behind this idea and the investors who gave the cash. Or maybe not dumb, maybe just “detached from reality” :smiley:

They are really doing the exact same thing. How dumb can people be? Is their mixer maybe magical?

So buy this so that you don’t have to do it yourself. Duh.


too lazy to use a pencil sharpener? get the electric version!

… or just buy “Druckbleistift”

or even more lowy, grab give-away pens on any occasion :joy:

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Well I’d say that any impulsive purchase is anti-mustachian in general, whatever the cost. We are all victims of advertisement who creates desire for things we just don’t need.
But I must say that any rubbish sold on wish is a every time winner for the most antimustachian object ! It’s a winning triplet between waste of money, bad quality and disastrous ecological impact !

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Here’s the manual Juicero:



omg capri sun is such a bad product. some 3(?)% of juice, tons of water,sugar and waste. and expensive, on top of that.

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Still a bargain compared to the Juicero that did the same thing for hundreds of dollars.

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That’s not fair.

Capri Sun doesn’t, as of now, connect with my phone.

This is an essential feature I need in any fruit-based beverage that I drink!


People will in CH will be able to call you for free. Some companies request a CH number. How much do you pay ?

I have since gotten a CH number because it does make things easier for some companies and local friends (although they normally know not to use the phone to reach me) but I am also not too happy with the amount of spam calls I get. I still use the UK number, especially when travelling.

I use pay as you go. I don’t track that expense very precisely but I am under 10 CHF per month for both numbers.


Permanent roaming restrictions

We’ll monitor your usage, and if you spend most of your time abroad and consume more abroad than at home over a four month period, we have the right to add a small surcharge to your continued roaming usage.

BTW it’s off topic here.

Check on if your number is publicly available. If yes, request the deletion. This should decrease the commercial calls


My provider has similar wording in their term of service (and it’s another reason I got myself a CH number just in case) but that is not enforced.

That explains why I kept receiving Swiss German calls 6 years after acquiring my current number. It was still registered on under the previous owner’s name :woman_facepalming:t2:

Thank you for the tip!