Hi all,
I’m currently trying to fill out my tax report via FriTax (which should also be valid for other Cantons), and I have a few questions.
I have ETFs (CH: SMIM, US: VT), both via IBKR, and here’s what I’ve filled in so far.
First, regarding the SMIM, using the classic view for Swiss securities:
Everything seems normal to me—is that correct?
Second, about my VT holdings using the DA-1 form:
Columns 9 and 10 are set to 0 since I’m using IBKR (I saw that on a blog). Is that correct? Another point, I don’t understand why the “Bruttoertrag” is set to 0. I used ICTax to fill out this form, but please feel free to give me advice if anything looks strange.
That’s definitely incorrect as you’ve received dividends. Could be a bug in the tax software or incomplete ICTax data (if FriTax runs locally, it might have an option to update the local ICTax database). I think “Bruttoertrag” should be CHF 53.15 and then US WHT in column 8 should be only CHF 7.97 (15% of 53.15).
Please note that you won’t get a Swiss tax credit based on DA-1 if the total is below CHF 100. So if that’s your only DA-1 position, you can skip DA-1 until your VT position is significantly larger. You can declare VT in the main securities form instead.
In Zurich (ZHprivateTax), there is a separate form for each line in the securities overview. There, it will be clearly stated which dividend events the tax database automatically recognizes. Example for VT:
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