Tax Deduction for GA Travelcard

Hi :wave:

In recent years, I have deducted my GA travelcard from my taxes[1]. My employer is now paying CHF 500 of the GA. The CHF 500 is listed in the salary statement under 13.3 [2]. My question is: Can I continue to deduct the full amount or do I have to deduct the CHF 500 from the GA travelcard costs?

I live in the canton of Zurich.


[1] as “Abonnementkosten für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel”
[2] “Spesenvergütungen / Expenses reimbursement” → “Effektive Spesen / Actual expenses” → “Reise, Verpflegung, Übernachtung / Trip, room and board”

Yes you can (20 characters)


Thank you for your answer!

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