Tax deduction - Brokerage fees?

I actually disagree here.

Most cantons have some kind of pauschal (0.3% for BS) because they recognize this cost can’t often be split (the pdf for BS has an example with exactly that).
If you try to deduct something in BS I definitely would try deducting the fund expense ratio (=financial instruments costs), at least part of that cost is definitely purely administrative/safekeeping.

(no guarantee it would be accepted, and anyway for most people in this forum given TER of 0.0x% the deduction probably doesn’t even make sense to claim)

As you mention, deductible Investment Services Costs for IB is typically 0 (but it can show a fairly large value in the report since it puts withheld taxes in this category, which you already get back through DA-1).
In any case don’t try to deduct transaction fee or similar, those are not deductible.

Thanks to both for the explanations. I found the instructions now also under “Vermögensverwaltungskosten” in BS. Whether the Financial instruments costs or investment services costs apply, I am not sure. The report on IBKR itemizes the costs and shows one-off costs such as WHT but then also on-going costs and transactional costs.

Apologies for reviving this topic but I am trying to decipher the Aggregated costs and Charges report from IBKR and 1) I cannot figure out where those numbers come from and 2) It is unclear to me from reading this post if any of those costs can be put forward as deductions (specifically for tax in BS canton). Did anybody try?
I attach a screenshot. The only number that I have identified is the 31.07 which corresponds to the Interest from Cash held in the account.
All help and direction welcome. Thank you in advance.

IB doesn’t really have deductible costs (accounts are free), so no.

(commissions are not usually deductible for example).

To explain the costs and charges report, note that it includes things like withholding tax.

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