I did it myself for the first time last year and it was rather fun. Took me quite some time as I had to read a lot but doing it in ZH is much better than in most other places. Then did it also for my gf and that one was quick…
Now if I could finally get my tax refund for 2021… and 2022 for that matter
Really need to push for a C permit this year because of this.
I usually attach the default / full activity statement of the calendar year. First page has everything that the taxman needs. The next pages are useful for me to put in individual transaction and dividends are calculated automatically in Zurich Kenton tax portal.
I find it annoying now that they switched to this online system and you can’t even log on to start entering information because you first have to receive a code which is only sent in Feb. and then you’re supposed to be done by end of March.
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