Tax declaration advisor in Geneva

Hi all

I have recently moved to Geneva and I am looking for a tax declaration advisor.

My situation is not very complex but I have no clue what and how to declare when the time comes (soon).

If this helps, our situation is the following:

  • married with 2 kids
  • income from Swiss employers
  • income from rental property in France
  • Degiro & IBKR accounts for investments
  • Kraken for crypto investments

Hello, this has already been discussed several times. In your case, I think you could easily turn to VZ to meet your needs :ève

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I’ve moved in Geneva in 2020 with a similar situation and managed to fill all tax form autonomously on the help of this forum.
It tools me few hours the first 2 years but I am now confident for this year .

The first year I went to a fiduciaire to validate my tax form and it costs me 160 chf for the peace of mind. He gave me 2 suggestions already posted in the forum, I have missed.
With the suggestion of food and transportation expenses without justification, I saved 500chf.

The longest part will be to collect documents and learn how to fill GeTax but you could do it online.


Thanks. For me it’s going to be the first year this year. My situation is not very complex but I know nothing about the tax online system and that I can expense.

I will look for a tax consultant for the first declaration.

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If there’s an online form, it typically already will ask you about all the standard deductions.

The only ones you might miss are grey area (and the impact will be marginal, deducting a few hundred CHF at most).

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