I have a B permit and live in Lausanne. Have a salary of around 61k pre-tax. During the year I did a one-off small gig that got paid less than 1000chf.
Information out there is confusing: some say the limit on additional income is 3000, others none… I have also done a quick’n dirty tax simulation with as many deductions I could come up with that said that I would have to pay between 2k-4k (depending if I create and max 3rd pillar). I was surprised at the figure so I want to get some feedback from you on whether in Vaud I have to change to the normal tax declaration, and if I have maybe misread the tax simulation in VaudTax.
Also, any tax advisors/ financial counsellors for people without big investments in Lausanne you can recommend ?
This whole Quellensteuer thing is always confusing.
People are always told that you will receive a form if you need to file tax declaration or else Quellensteuer is enough. But then there are these subtexts which people should read to figure out their liability to request a tax form based on „other income and accumulated wealth“
Shouldn’t tax office send some sort of declaration forms to people every year where they can send some info (wealth , other income etc) and then tax office can decide if they need to file declaration or not? In this way people can relax and not worry all the time
I feel that either employers, immigration office or tax office should spread awareness about these topics.
Thank you for your replies. Just to update you and in case anyone in a similar situation reads this.
I contacted the tax office, and they told me I must do a tax declaration. So yeah, between paying someone to do it for me and the extra taxes I’ll have to pay thanks to moving to the ordinary taxation, not only am I going to lose what I earned extra, I’ll probably actually pay extra for it. Good times. Thankfully I still have time to max my third pillar…
This is quite strange that you move to ordinary taxation for 1000 CHF income extra.
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