Switch from taxed at source in St. Gallen

I always find information about Zürich, how even permit B residents are required to file taxes over an income of 120.000 CHF, a net worth of 80.000 CHF etc.

Does anyone know these requirements in canton St. Gallen? I found nothing online that’s in English regarding this.

The CHF 120k income threshold applies to all cantons. If you’re above that, you should automatically get a tax form, although it may be quicker if you request it yourself (only relevant for the first tax year above the threshold).

According to Stolperfalle bei der Quellensteuer: Obligatorische nachträgliche ordentliche Veranlagung - BDO, the wealth threshold in SG is a net worth of CHF 75k for individuals and CHF 150k for married couples (the threshold increases by CHF 20k for each child). If you’re above this threshold, you’re required to request ordinary tax assessment (NOV) until March 31 of the following year.