Stroller - what/where to buy?

Hey moms/dads

I’m expecting my first and have started looking at strollers. Any suggestions? What did you buy and where?

We’re looking for a stroller that’s a mix between city and terrain and it seems to be mostly either/or, so we’re looking for a good compromise. The one we liked the most so far are Joolz Day+, Uppbaby Vista V2 or Anex M-Type (our favorite so far).

We bought a mix of newborn, maxicosi and stroller can’t remember the brand. Wheels are kind of important we could use our even in the sand at the beach. Our was pretty expensive but as new parents we had no idea :man_shrugging:, I would not get one which is to expensive, however we do not need it anymore if you are interested you can PM me.

An important question is how much you are using a car. There are things like transportable maxicosi, which is a car “shell” for baby that can be mounted on the part with wheels. So you don’t take out baby from the car shell when s/he sleeps, which s/he will very well, but take out the whole thing and put it on strollers’ wheels.

Where to buy - check the thread about where to sell!


City Mini by Baby Jogger!
Used ours for two kids, only had to replace the front wheel once.
Absolute recommendation.

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Maybe have a look on anibis?

Otherwise I like website where you can have good prices with discount codes or

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I went to MacBaby and checked the strollers there and then ordered online for 900.- instead of 1200.- Fr. But in hindsight it’s rather stupid to buy new if there are so many used strollers are available for a good price on

We had a Hartan Racer GTS, comes with baby bag and seat for kids up to 17kg.

This. When you think about it:

  • Having a baby is a pretty common thing, most people will have at least one baby in their life.
  • Therefore, most people have already bought baby stuffs
  • Baby stuffs are useful only 2-3 years (maybe more if you have several kids)
  • Therefore, the second-hand market is literally flooded with baby stuffs.
  • Because there is so much offer on the second-hand market (, etc), people who don’t want to wait to get rid of their baby stuff (and don’t want to go to put it in the bin) will list their stuff at very attractive prices.

I got most of my baby stuffs this way: a baby bed for free, a stroller for free, and a second stroller for 20 CHF, etc.


I am happy to give away children’s stuff that I don’t need absolutely for free, just take it please. I am sure many parents have the same attitude. So if you ask around, you can get many things for free.


Cybex E-priam, amazing thing uphill and downhill.

Hauck Rapid 4. Great price / quality ratio. Only for kids able to sit properly.

How much did you pay if you don’t mind me asking?