I not like ETF because you can’t choose your companies and ETF take often biggest company.
Google or Facebook and many other suffer from ads revenue right now. Who buy an overpriced phone or overpriced non-essential electronic device when you have no more job and may be no more home you trust really Apple in the near term ?
Tesla overpriced vehicles for ecology when oil can be almost free if demand not improving more ?
I can’t trust that… Someone spending more money in a car when you haven’t enough electricity for other usage so electricity price goes up in a near term and oil probably down if countries not add more taxes.
Your ETF include probably one of these companies when you choose your stock take may be more time but you can select and choose good company during short/long time and events.
Now it’s medical or simply related to death because have a lot of job during these two first quarters.
I’m an amateur I learn all days from stock market but it’s probably the best year and the most important decisions to take these last months after the nice trade war who decrease the price of all stocks and gives you good earning.
If you choose or even have to forego this year’s holidays, why not spend a couple of dollars (more) on purchase of a tech gadget instead? Similarly, I have read reports of increases in demand for plastic surgery.
A lot of company isn’t really good even some bank employees worry about their end of year bonus
May be but need a lot of people and a lot of gadget sell not really good if a lot lost their jobs. If I can choose I prefer short something like Apple or Tesla right now and wait but I can’t with my broker
Helicopter money is for save people and economy probably not for save gadgets
Renaissance Mediallion still seems amazing, 2020 returns:
But its Medallion Fund gained 76%, enough to generate an estimated $2.6 billion gain for founder Jim Simons, who retired as chairman last month. Medallion, open only to employees, has achieved annualized returns of about 40% since it debuted in 1988.
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