Share classes explained

Hello everybody

I am starting to investigate the posts, the community and investing in general. I am working on getting together my own “portfolio” while hitting the same question again and again…

As you can see (e.g. on Credit Suisse Fund Gate) there exist a dozen share classes. While I found out that I can not invest in classes starting with E and Q, I am totally lost with the rest of them. While I figured the Q might stand for “qualified”, I can not guess F.

Is there any guide, anywhere, which makes a glossary from this mess?

Thank you for any hint :slight_smile:


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Check the prospectus for the fund it defines the unit classes.

E.g. for CH0189988337, FB is for accumulating (and FA is for distributing). FBH is hedged, etc.

(That said it’s unlikely a CS is the cheapest option wrt fees for a retail investor, some unit classes are really cheap but won’t be available for retail).

Edit: and from what I understand for the institutional share classes (those with close to 0% cost), it’s just the fees are paid directly through an agreement instead of through the fund.

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