Schwab as an IBKR sidekick


Couldn’t find recent posts on it, so sorry for asking again. I am thinking to move VT/VOO/maybe some other hold forever positions out of my IBKR account for the sake of broker diversification. Schwab looks like a good alternative to IBKR, and according to the poor swiss its main drawback is that they want USD directly, for which a long-term hold strategy seems ok for me (plus I heard you can move cash position between IBKR and Schwab). However, anyone has experience with it? How is their international customer service? I’d love to go with a Swiss broker, but their prices khm… quite outrageous and unsure whether I can trust a Swiss provider more than IBKR or Schwab. I am looking for a bit more reviews than the comments under the linked post. Thanks! Cheers!

What kind of diversification are you looking for?

(For me the main downside is that they’re both US brokers, so in the case of inheritance expect things to be locked for a while, fwiw if you buy on IB and transfer swiss brokers are fairly cheap)

To answer your questions, customer support was fine when I’ve needed it (rarely). Moving cash works fine as well (wire are executed on the same day, usually in a few hours).


Yes. I used Schwab before. I was happy with them. Would go with them again if I wanted a 2nd broker.


Thank you for your reply. We would like to diversify brokers, not all eggs in one basket. SIPC protection or similar is kind of a must. But hopefully competition in Switzerland get better over time and we can have access to lower fees here.

I use Schwab as my international broker after moving from TD Ameritrade when they were acquired by Schwab. Overall, I haven’t had any issues with them, and their international customer service has been responsive. That said, there were a few hiccups with their trading platform being down for several hours on multiple occasions in the last couple of months. However I like their Platform overall when it works.

For broker diversification, I now use both Swissquote and Schwab. Transferring securities (incl. VT etc.) and USD between them has been straightforward (having gone through a learning curve).


The execution of trades is not as good as IBKR, but if you’re just parking existing positions there, then this isn’t even a factor.

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