Assume you have the following annual rental stream in GBP currency (one line is one year). Assume the income is guaranteed. What value would you give to this (assuming you are buying or selling the rental stream)? Assume income is free of tax.
Whats the residual value after year 117? Zero?
Do I understand it right that this revenue stream was post any maintenance cost?
My initial thought was to calculate a Net Present Value at a discountig rate of 7%.
Why 7%:
+5.47%: current 30Y UK Gilt Rates
(minus) 0.66%: Given long Term Gilt Rates (Y31-117) were probably 1% lower (87/117 of -1%)
+1%: Duration Premium given it was a 117 Years Invest
+1%: Risk Premium as its not just Gilts but a private Investment
=> this was my walk away
From there, I would clearly want to negotiate some upside. Given the very long duration. Every penny counts a lot. A reduction of the buying price by a fraction of a percent gives you disproportionate, additional benefit.
Can you securitize this or create a proper investmeent company structure? Question is if you take on co-investors. This is a long shot that can go to zero, or it can go to heaven. Certainly worth a small investtment position I was probably willing to take.
Don’t forget you might have months without tenancy - either due to market / people moving in/out / need for renovation “here and there” in those 120 years.
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