Rent reduction 2020

Hey everyone,

It’s rent reduction time again! All you need to do is write to your landlord requesting a reduction. The landlord won’t contact you, you need to contact them, and you need to send them a registered/signed for letter within 30 days.

You can use the template letter from the Mietverband or write your own.

Estimated savings are 2.9% on the annual rent - a nice amount to have in your pocket, instead of in your landlord’s.

Some more info here and here. My post from the last rent reduction in 2017 has a whole thread that you might find helpful.


If I am not mistaken they need to answer your request within 30 days. You can ask them for a reduction at any time. Also, the reduction becomes effective after the first possible termination date of the contract.

The landlord can deny it and mine will do for sure. My landlord didn’t rise the rent for over 10 years, despite inflation and some renovation work. So he can take that into account.

I never studied this topic. Can someone tell me if this applies to anyone? I rent my flat since 5 years, and during that time the landlord reduced the rent once. Is it still possible, that I’m somehow entitled to another reduction? Personally, I find it ridiculous that such rules exist. It’s not my flat so how come I have the right to request a reduction?

Should apply to anyone who has a contract tied to the interest rate, that’s most renters in Switzerland afaik.

Not only! If your rent is tied to the CPI then you can request this too. However, only at the end of the contract before renewal, so once every 5 years.

Does anyone know if the contract for the rent of the garage box can also be the object of such a demand? Mine is at the same level since 2012.

It could result in quite less once all the calculations are made.
At least it did for me last time (bit more than 1%).
Your mileage will most certainly vary, but even 20chf/month is a few beers more for you, so… :grin:

There wasn’t much inflation during the past 10 years and the reference rate was 3% 10 years ago. Renovations are not a reason to raise rent unless the renovation is more than upkeep.

Got the reply from the regie: 2.91% drop with 1.5% upkeep adjustment (since 2016) and 0.24% consumer price adjustment, so 20.- lower rent (1.17%) per month on a ~2000.- rent.

Could anyone share the model letter? The MV’s form has a bug and it doesn’t accept my (any?) PLZ so I can’t receive it.

FYI: I got a letter from my landlord company and they have reduced the rent without me even asking for it. (not the first time, they are really nice in this regard). My Nettomiete will go from 2’010 to 1’984 per month. The interest rate reduction made the rent go down by -2.91% (58.50), but the costs went up by 1.58% (31.75). So the net reduction is a bit smaller.


I got the reduction done maybe 1-2 years ago.
Is there a specific time range that it is “not tolerated” to get it again? :slight_smile:

@boschika, I believe I used one of the templates listed on this site: Rental Property in Switzerland: Expert Advice on Contracts, Regulation, and More | My Journey by Packimpex (“How to request…” paragraph)

There is no such range.


Thanks that was helpful.