Probably one of the most complicated cases :)

Hello everyone! Long time lurker, and posting first time.

I think I came to a point that I need professional help, but I wanted to try my chance here to find some guidance in advance, if possible. Here is how it is,

I’m married, and my wife lives and works in Switzerland, while I live and work in Poland.

We are from Turkey, and my wife moved to Switzerland almost 2 years ago, while I moved to Poland 7 months ago.

Prior to moving, in terms of financial assets apart from assets in Turkey (and still is)- I had an IBKR account in US with country of residence Turkey indicated, which I’ve been depositing from Turkey.

Now things got complicated. Just before moving, I opened a new joint account in IBKR and moved my founds into this joint account with my wife. My wife declared this account in her tax decleration in Switzerland, as a joint account. I still haven’t done my tax decleration - but tbh I have some doubts should I declare it - or find a solution prior to my tax decleration in Poland. We didn’t deposit any funds from either Switzerland or Poland into this account yet. My second problem is how to structre our invenstment future. On top of this, I still didn’t change our country of residence in IBKR and it is still Turkey - as I’m very confused about what to do. And this is really bugging me.

One option is we invest individually in our countries of residence, baring higher fees etc and don’t touch existing IBKR account, and keep declaring it only for divident gains to be taxed, and inform IBKR about our country of residency change.

Other thing I have in mind is moving IBKR account to Ireland - and keep investing in it. But I’m scared to complicate things - since we are from X country - and one of us living in Non-EU - Y country and another in EU - Z country :slight_smile:

Currently we have been keeping our ‘additional’ savings from our salaries in cash or in some basic funds offered by our banks - in our countries of residence. (Switzerland and Poland individually) - and for me it is really annoying and I want to create a financial plan as soon as possible for us to continue investing.

What would you do?

Yes (I don’t know what are the rules in Poland, but probably the answer is close to “yes”). You don’t need to file a tax declaration in Switzerland if you didn’t live their prior to move in Poland.

You put your turkish investment, it’s enough to have to declare it.

Ask IBKR what you should do. If your wife is in Switzerland, you can probably declare the residence in Switzerland.

In any case, you should probably ask a professionnal :wink:

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There is an Automated Exchange of Information between most countries and I could imagine that IBKR regularly asks both of you for an update of your tax residence. Once this has happened, they will send account information to your tax residence.

As @Yanikuza mentions, it might be possible for you to declare your center of life in Switzerland. Poland would know If they can accept it. If you keep two different tax residences, you could do arbitrage by having 2 individual brokerage accounts and invest/declare where the tax is lowest. You can each have a power of attorney to the other account. After that, I would rectify my tax residence away from Turkiye, just to be compliant and not have to worry about some Damocles’ sword hanging over me.