The great thread Professional investor/trader status is mainly about how to avoid pro trader status.
I would like to propose a thread for those actively seeking to be classified as professional trader.
I would love to hear from and maybe connect with people who have this status, and maybe get a recommendation for a tax advisor who has experience with this.
I’d prefer not to discuss here the option of setting up a company for trading purposes.
- so far I believe noone in the other thread identified as having pro status
- @LeStache mentions having met someone from Basel trading shares and options.
- @FIREstarter mentions having met someone from Schwyz trading options.
- @FIREstarter linked an NZZ article saying that in Zurich, less than 100 individuals were classified in the 5 years before 2019
Many people actively seeking the status are those who want to deduct their trading losses from their income (including me).
- Federal court decision 2C_868/2008 (mentioned in Kreisschreiben 36): In 2003, a pensioner makes 700k by trading stocks, bonds, options and forex, then dies. The Steueramt ZH classifies him as pro. The heirs contest this, and the Verwaltungsgericht ZH classifies him as non-pro. The Steueramt ZH takes this to the federal court which upholds the pro classification.
- Federal court decision 2C_375/2015 (mentioned in the NZZ article above): The plaintiff wants to deduct ~40k of options trading losses for 2010. The Steueramt denies pro status. He takes it to the Verwaltungsgericht AG, which also denies pro status, with the argumentation “Da sozialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen auch zeigten, dass private Anleger zu einem gewissen Aktivismus und zu einer übermässigen Umschichtung ihres Portfolios neigten, könne ein hohes Transaktionsvolumen auch als Indiz für ein unprofessionelles Anlageverhalten interpretiert werden.”. He takes this to federal court, which rules the argumentation of the Verwaltungsgericht utter bs (quite funny), but still denies pro status with the argument that “the way in which he traded options cannot have been suitable for a selbständige Erwerbstätigkeit” (not so funny).
- Federal court decision 2C_389/2018 (mentioned by @nabalzbhf): The plaintiff is classified from 2006-2012 as pro-trader and the Steueramt allowed him to deduct his losses in those years. In 2013 he stops all trading activities. In 2014 he starts trading again, but this time the tax authorities and the courts ruled that 13 years of consecutive trading losses do not qualify as “Selbständigkeit” anymore, but as “Liebhaberei/Hobby”.
Based on these decisions it seems to me that tax authorities and courts tend to rule trading losses as non-professional (and deny deductions), but on the other hand rule profits as professional (and tax it). Not what I would call fair or “Rechtssicherheit”.
The rulings also state clearly that from the 5 criteria of Kreisschreiben 36, only the trading volume and foreign financing matter nowadays (but not the systematic approach or level of special knowledge).
In 2024 I lost ~10k daytrading stocks, plus ~5k of associated costs.
On January 1, I sent an email to the Steueramt ZG asking how to proceed to be classified as pro.
The answer (January 14):
Da Sie im Kanton Zug wohnhaft sind erhalten Sie alljährlich die Steuererklärung zugestellt. Bei allfälliger Qualifikation als gewerbsmässiger Wertschriftenhändler müssten Sie der Steuererklärung eine detaillierte Zusammenstellung beiliegen über die diesbezüglichen Einkünfte und Ausgaben. Eine separate «Anmeldung» als solche ist für Steuerzwecke nicht erforderlich. Eine allfällige Qualifikation als gewerbsmässiger Wertschriftenhändler wird im Rahmen des Veranlagungsverfahrens geprüft.
Makes sense to me. I replied by describing my trading patterns and asking if they had any guidelines for the “Aufzeichnungen”. No reply so far. A friend suggested to try calling, because via email the tax office can only say so much.
In any case I intend to deduct my losses and see what happens. I expect the status to be denied. I’m tempted to then try to appeal and gain some real-life experience with the Swiss court system. I’m not planning on spending any money on lawyers, so any help is appreciated. I might regret this, but hopefully it will be entertaining for you to watch