Preventing medicine - which insurance?


The coming year I would like to perform some health check ups to make sure I am aging well (45 at this moment) and increase the chances of living long and healthy.

I thought I would just decrease the deductible to 300 and be done with it. But now I am realising most of the checks I’d want to do (not yet sure which ones, but I am imagining a prostate exam, a colonoscopy, some blood tests, moles mapping…) won’t be covered by basic insurance (I see e.g., that colonoscopies are only paid after 50 years of age and only once every 10 years).

So maybe I need supplementary insurance? I always thought I would never need that, also confused by the many options. Maybe it’s time to get one? Also because if I do discover some disease, it could be that nobody would give me supplemental insurance afterwards?

Are any of you looking into preventive medicine and longevity and can share their views?


Most supplementary insurances cover CHF 300 to 400 per year for prevention. Of course, this depends very much on the insurance you choose and its costs. What I wanted to say: Even with supplementary insurance, you will still be stuck with some of the costs.

What I have learnt: Many people in Switzerland only go to the doctor when it’s already too late. This mainly affects people who can’t pay for expensive preventive checks out of their own pocket.

[Edit: you ask about which supplementary insurance, I reply what I would do]

I’m much younger than you, but what I started doing is preventive checkups in the neighboring countries.

You could for example go a few days in Italy, do a bunch of exams there, enjoy the food and the sun, and easily spend 1/3 of what they might ask you in CH.

I also checked and some clinics organise the checks in the same day, even on Saturday, so you could even do everything in a single day.

When I was comparing prices I had the impression that in Switzerland these kind of checkups are perceived as luxury services, costing quite a lot (easily >5k CHF).


+1, neighboring or otherwise, where healthcare (private at least) is solid.
I use the time spent in my home country to do some of these too.

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