Nuclear Fission: good or bad

Please watch the TSLA video I posted, there are more charts exactly like this: solar, wind, battery & coal. Year after year they’re so wrong. Here the predictions for coal:

You gotta admit, the current prediction in red seems pretty optimistic :smiley:

Yeah, quite so…

Another point not discussed enough is the state subvention through the öack of insurance. Basically no insurance is going to cover for a nuclear accident, so the Nuclear Energy can sell energy without any insurance cost. which are covered by the state if something happens. This is a bit of unfair competition because dams, solar panel, wind turbine etc all require insurance. If Nuclear Fission would have to pay his own insurance (damage calculated at 4 trillion swiss francs) the cost would skyrocket.

DO somebody knows if this is similar for new generation plants? Or are they “state-subventioned” as well?

If you want a serious discussion no nuclear, energiestiftung together with greenpeace are the primary sources not to consult. Don’t worry, on the pro-nuclear side there are similar groups that i would not dare to cite. Energiestiftung, for example, adds all the research on nuclear power as “subvention” (not sure if even the military research goes in there - i did not find their source). if you apply the same to reneweables, guess what happens. I should actually quantify this one day. It is likely much worse - especially if you normalize to the energy output.

Energiestiftung is a prime example on how to skew debates in a toxic manner. Not all what they write is baseless - there are valid points against nuclear. You can consider the large upfront capital cost one together with uncertain political decisions in the future. Ant the one on the missing insurance. on the other hand, noone would dare to insure fossile energy companies against damages due to climate change. And those claims are not extremely improbable, but certain to come. Not localized, but globally.

On a holistic view I think nuclear has a pretty good standing. And as long as carbon based energy carriers play a relevant role, I’d prefer having a NPP in my backyard rather than a coal/ gas / oil plant. And here we are at 85% world energy consumption being carbon-based:

(taken from wikipedia)

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