Neon-bank fee free worldwide

I do very much like the idea of tree planting, but for some reason, I’m slightly suspicious of banks doing it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Paying for sustainable consciousness and peaceful mind (and having a freaking super marvellous wood card :star_struck:).

And I think that you have a year of extended warranty on all of your purchase.

To sum up: nothing (but at least you are planting tree for the good of the planet).

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… an update to the neon T&C just got in via e-mail. I stumbled upon:

" With regards to our new investment feature, we extended section 11 by stating that neon excludes liability for «losses arising from securities trading or transactions in financial instruments». Of course, we hope that you will turn a profit when buying and selling stocks and ETFs. And if you do, rest assured that the gains are all yours – just like any possible losses."

did I miss something? What is being addressed here? Anyone with some insights? :thinking:
I don’t think it is the partnership with findependent (started July 2022)


You didn’t miss the link in that email, did you? :wink:

:laughing: :see_no_evil:

minimum is 20 characters

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is it down for everyone or just me?


I’d like to see their response on Twitter, but I don’t have an account.

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:no_mouth:Oops! This might not be our finest hour. :sweat: Our logins been taking an unscheduled coffee break. :coffee: But fear not! We’ve called in the tech wizards, and they’re working their magic to get us back on track! :man_mage::computer: Thank you kindly for your patience.

Posted 4h ago already, haven’t seen an update

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you don’t need an account

You need an account.
You have it. try incognito.

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Neon has been my main bank since 2020 but being unavailable every single 25th is getting old.

or use nitter

That “not our best moment” message and the :coffee: emoji seems a deja-vu. I think they wrote the same message a while ago for similar issues… :smiley:

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I could never use a product whose team uses communication of that style for any serious purposes.


Hi all

Neon having these problem, I’m asking myself about closing the account. I usually use the card, when I’m abroad, but I have seen that Migros credit card has also zero foreign transcation fees. Has anyone tried the Migros creditcard abroad? Is the Fx rate the same as with Neon?

Cumulus Kreditkarte | Cumulus (

No, the Migros credit card uses the Migros Bank exchange rate, as far as I know, which might be around 1.5% above the interbank rate. It’s probably the best free Swiss credit card for foreign transactions but at least the Neon debit card and the non-free UBS key4 credit cards are still better for foreign card transactions.


If it weren’t for their card and using it while travelling I would consider closing my account.

I have referred 20+ people to Neon and it’s a shame that every month on the 25th the same thing happens… And this time we had over 24 hours outage!


Thanks, so much about transparency…

I use neon as my only swiss bank. Thinking about switching and start using Revolut again. Any tips for a good substitution? I do not want to pay 8 a month

Yuh would maybe be the boat option?

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It’s down again after being online for 30 whole minutes… wow