My top read on the first step to Minimalism

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondō:


I read this. I think its a waste of time.

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I found the second book to be more practical and useful than the first. It’s called “Spark Joy: an illustrated masterclass…”. I have pared down a lot in the past number of years, mostly letting go of books. I also use Flylady’s strategies a lot. Kondo philosophy is binge-based, Flylady is slow and steady.
It’s amazing how much more peaceful a home is when it is more uncluttered. is a great first read. Free and will probably change your approach more drastically and in more ways than the Kondo’s book.

They also have a podcast in which they talk about similar subjects. After a while they get quite repetitive but it’s difficult not to, the concept is pretty simple.

If you are more of a visual person they also have a documentary on Netflix about their lives and their philosophy