Mustachian portfolios

Very good! I just don’t understand why you have to consider such detailed allocation if you have only 3 ETFs.

Include your second pillar. Everything will change a lot.

Yes! Pension funds already heavily overweight Swiss stocks.


It will be interesting to know the weight of all the other assets (cash, bond, equity).

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Not sure if MSCI Switzerland offers enough diversification. It’s only 40 constituents.

Maybe SPI would be better. Or a combination of SPI Extra and SMI.

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Very good points.

I currently completely ignored my 3a pillar VIAC in my strategy. (except for picking MSCI Switzerland IMI to complement the SMI ETFs in VIAC)
And of course my (currently still) large cash assets that I will need to shift into stocks over the next 6 months.

I will definitely increase my US/EU and EM positions and not any more Swiss stocks.
And also somewhere include my cash,bond,equity in my portfolio, to have a better overview of all my assets.

How would you do this? I barely understand the 2nd pillar statement. I have no clue what asset allocation is realistic?

A pension fund has an asset allocation, they earn money on these assets, pay pensions, create reserves and so on. So inside it is a complex portfolio. But from outside, for you as a user, its function can be understood as that of bonds. You get some small, guaranteed non-negative return.

So a simple way is to count 2nd pillar as bonds allocation in your portfolio.


unless inflation eats it all up and some more…


As always, apologies for the question bc as far as now, I have not found the answer and I may have misunderstood the article from MP…

Regarding this ETF ISIN CH0111762537 commented in the article:

Cannot find it in IBKR…? Is it simply not available?

Thanks for any help.


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Did you try with it’s ticker? For example: SMMCHA or SMMCHA.SW

If not on IBKR, it is always available of DEGIRO. I have some of my portfolio allocation into that very same ETF on DEGIRO.

How is it going with that portfolio? Do you still keep it? Same percentages?

Yes l, I still use it. I added AVES whrn it launched to have more factor exposure in emerging markets.

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My portfolio:


Interesting. What’s the leveraged part?

TMF (3x long 20+ Year Treasury), UPRO (3x long SP500) and TQQQ (3x long Nasdaq)

I see, ballsy! Is this just short-term bullishness? I guess in the long run these leveraged ETF’s costs would break your neck, wouldn’t they?

Also wondering if margin or options would be cheaper, have you checked that?

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I own them long-term (even if they are designed for short term). Options would be cheaper, but more complex to maintain.
The backtesting is great. TMF reduces the volatility.
This strategy has been explain on this form: HEDGEFUNDIE's excellent adventure [risk parity strategy using 3x leveraged ETFs] -


There’s a very interesting Reddit-input on this strategy: “HedgeFundie’s “Excellent Adventure” update: this approach is down around 42% YTD. A non-leveraged 60/40 for comparison is only down 12%. Backtesting to create hindsight-opitimized portfolios is a dangerous game.”

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9 posts were split to a new topic: High dividend (Swiss ?) stocks portfolio

I want to get ONE ETF for the missus on a monthly-DCA-forever basis.

Which one would you recommend?

  • VTI?
  • VWRL? and which one?
  • anything else?