MTD on IBKR (margin)

I was in -2000usd dollars for about a week as i went into margin by mistake and my MTD is reading 108. Any idea why this would be?

MTD = Month To Date

Other than that you’re giving to little information. Is it MTD interest, is it negative, positive, what’s your cash balance, etc.

I had a -2000k cash balance for a week

It’s interest value
Could it be you used to have Bonds or cash in this account ?

as in interest i owe or have accrued?

because if this is from start of september it doesn’t make sense.

It could be any number of things. Without full details we can just guess. Did you sign up to the Stock Yield Enhancement Program SYEP?

If you want to know for sure, then go print out the appropriate interest calculation report from interactive brokers.

First result in Google search gives your answer.
Your interest is positive, so good for you. :wink:

MTD Interest stands for Month-To-Date Interest and consists of 3 components, interests earned or lost from your cash, interest earned from lending your shares to short-sellers, and interests owed from your borrowing of cash.

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That must be it. There is nothing else that can generate 100 bucks in a month.

Ib gives also interest on cash balance, did you check that?