There is no free lunch, for sure.
But with a 75% reduction it’s getting close …
ahaha.That is new.
Here I’ve noticed that some of the big chains don’t use the 50% sticker anymore. They use max 25% then they probably throw stuff away. pity
I managed to visit my local Migros on an early weekday morning a couple of times. Amount of stuff on -50% discount was mind boggling. I think each shop has their times where they make discounts to move expiring products. The reason you don’t see these discounts is that there are people who know exactly when these start.
No. The reason is that people do wait for them, so Coop Zurich and Aldi Zurich do not use them anymore.
I haven’t read it anywhere, but I’m fairly certain they are not used anymore.
Perhaps it’s a Zurich thing. Still plenty of -50% around here. Haven’t seen a -75% though.
I constantly buy 50% reduced stuff in Coop and Migros (Zurich area).
Coop HB doesn’t use 50% stickers anymore. I actually think that I’ve read it on 20 minuten.
Marple sirup yogurt, my favourite!
I always buy -50% at coop
We have a small Coop in our town and there are every day -25 to -50% stuff, especially fresh product like meat. On top of that at the back of the shop there is a basket with a lot of -50% mostly non-food article or long lasting food. I have almost never seen this in other Coop and first when we moved here I though it was only a one time thing but no, it’s always here and always full of stuff like baby bottle, baby formula, spices, deo, … But definitely meat is the best saver, with our huge 10CHF Bosch freezer found in a house clearance next door soon after we moved in, we never hesitate to get 2-3 St-Galler wurst multi-pack at -50% on top of -30% and freeze them. This kind of deal is even more economical than blindly buy everything at Aldi because it’s cheaper anyway without checking Coop/Migros clearance first.
Yes, there’s a bunch of people (I would be always one of them if I could) waiting at Aldi every Saturday late afternoon 6-ish for the guy who starts putting the 50% stickers on fruits and vegetables.
Why not use TooGoodToGo for Migros?
I am spending 5.9 CHF on a basket and consistently getting 25CHF+ per basket.
I started to track what comes in the baskets, I need to spend 1 hour to gather it on an excel sheet
Is TooGoodToGo…good for you? It seems like a gamble to me.
We get TooGoodTooGo about once every two weeks at the corner bakery, for a simple/quick family supper.
It’s good value IMO, and it’s practical & very predictable = good for us.
I try other places every now & then, & it can be hit n miss, but generally I find bakeries are mostly good (fresh, good quality, ok to good value). Also collection time is generally 1800-1900, which coincides with our feeding time.
I get either Migros Magic Bag (5.9CHF) or the Migros Vegetable/Fruit (4.9CHF) one if we are low on vegetables and fruits:
I can give yesterday’s example:
2,5kg Carrots 3,3 CHF
Fish 12,35 CHF
Premade Fresh Pasta 2,5 CHF
Bio Mango
Bio Rahm quark 1,65 CHF
Milchreis dessert w/berries 5,9 CHF
3x Lemons
3x Chicore
200g Raspberries
Premade Rucula Salad for 2 people: 3,5 CHF
Bread with sweet potato & pumpkin
Spend: 5,9CHF
Would have spend: 29,2 CHF (plus things that didn’t come with a price tag)
Savings: 23,3 CHF
Cafe Spettacolo is a nice spot also since they let you pick out what you want within a 15 CHF budget (It came out to 2 of their big focaccia sandwiches)
You might live somewhere other than Zurich. I didn’t see migros offering anything here.
Perhaps is it a Migros affiliate? The magic 75% stickers I’ve shown stem from such one.