Malta pension move

A DefCont pension of mine (in Ireland) is closing and I am being moved to an insurance product and hence would be ‘Land locked’ which I understand to be very bad. {inflexible and taxation)

I am starting the process of moving this to Malta (under the IORP regime) where there are more flexible drawdown possibilties and also a DT Treaty with CH.

Anyone here have experience of Malta?

One other item I am seeking clarity on is the tax treatment in CH of any Lump Sum drawdown on this Fund. I expect that it would be taxed in a similar fashion to encashment of a Pillar 2 fund?

Thanks in advance

DTA seem to say it’s only taxable in the state of residence, so yes I’d expect the same taxes as a pillar withdrawal.

Thanks, nabalzbhf

I have a few other DC pension schemes which will also be drawndown as cash lump sums so I am wondering if there is any restrictions on how many times one can go to your local Tax Office (I am in SZ) and say "I am having another Pillar type withdrawal (from overseas). I read somewhare that there may be a limit (canton dependend) on the number?