Leaving Switzerland temporarily for work

Hey guys,

I was wondering if some of you had a similar experience, or know more about it: I have a good job opportunity in Spain (I’m from there), which requires me to relocate there, but I would like to come back to Switzerland after some time.

My questions are if I would be able to keep my permit (probably getting C after February) and if I could have access to RAV in case I come back without a job to be able to survive for few months.

I’ve read about “freezing” my permit for certain time, but also not sure how certain is that I can do that, or if they can complain/require me something.

Any idea?

Permit C: The C permit expires after 6 months spent outside Switzerland, although an authorization of absence can be requested in some cases to suspend a C permit for a maximum period of 4 years while living abroad. (Source)

RAV: I was unemployed in Luxembourg and then moved to Switzerland. I never qualified for RAV here because I didn’t claim unemployment insurance in Luxembourg. Apparently, the process requires a transfer of your claim from EU to CH.

And could I for example keep registered in Switzerland (e.g. my friend´s house) while working abroad, i.e. paying taxes abroad and so on.

You can only be registered in Switzerland if you live in Switzerland.

What is the definition of living in Switzerland for this purpose?

I am not sure about exact rules but for someone who is not Swiss, the resident permit would be revoked if there is no clear purpose of being in CH (work, family unification, studies etc)

For Swiss people - it’s a bit more complex because they don’t need a purpose to be here . But spending 181 in Switzerland is needed to be tax resident. So if someone is not tax resident of CH, then how come they would be resident of Switzerland?